Thursday, May 5, 2011

let us really experience life

12 . Friends is to see through you, and can love you .13. When we push away when people stumbling stop to the next frame, perhaps it is precisely in paving the access for his .14. The more we want to know when they are not forgotten, but I memorize more clearly.

27. Time is like a net Where you withdraw,shanghai escort, you have got to where.
30. If I can see their backs, I think it must be very melancholy, because I have the pleasure to linger in the front.
31. Ideal and Reality always a breach among, but fortunately there are gaps, alternatively, who infrequent ideal?
32. is always shiny gold,shenzhen escort, but bring an end to ...the layer of gold, I do not know what the stars.
33. a lifetime antecedent that people are cheating themselves; that there is a next life, people prevaricate to others.
34. anybody can transform vicious, by the time you tried envy.
35. often told myself not to hang in a tree, the result ... ... lost in the forest.
36. Love is like dirt in the hand grasp, the more firm grasp, the faster the detriment.
37. Life There are two tragedies: one is not wanted, the other is getting it does not want.
38. adult not mind getting older, but the tears still laugh in the eyes of the spin.
39. a man - when he does not belong to you, what makes you sigh is absolute; when she belongs to you, let you deplore what is real.
40. vexatious, will have some plans.
41. regards ought not be solemnly, but it have to be sincere and moving.
42. to do and not do the biggest feud is: the latter has the right to comment on the former.
43. who was pretty for a living smart.
44. There are some things, which is clearly wrong, they can go to insist, as reconciled; some people, knowing that love is also going to give up, because there is no end; sometimes, although there was no way out,shanghai escort, but to move forward, as used to.
45. The same bottle of drink, expedience cache and two dollars, five-star restaurant 60, a lot of time, a person's value depends on the situation.
46 . Women who have capacity for Yue, who makes herself man poor.
47. each person is nativity when the original, sadly, many people gradually became pirates.
48. Do not say another sick mind, sick mind on the premise that there must be a brain.
49. really bad is not terrible, dreadful imitation good.
50. Romance is dressing a beautiful clothe, but you can all day long wearing it.
51. to do all the extraordinary things that no mediocre, easy things to do all that simple.
52. should be a better way to start a day than waking up wake up each morn.
53. the busy is not busy doing the work well,proposed title, not short to not live with salty wonderful.
54. pair places surrounded the maximum contradictory of each other is fantasy the future, but musing about each other's past.
55. What is romantic? is knowing that she does not like you still get 99 roses for her. What a waste? is understanding that she likes you, gave 99 roses to her.
56. busy is a blessing, let us no period to feel pain; escape approximately is a happiness, let us truly experience life; fatigue is a pleasure, let us no time to empty.
57. ** very nice, the reality is very skinny.
58. woman kissing a man is a happy man kissing a woman is a delicious food.
59. love is all better than the sanctity of matrimony, married love is always better than affordable.
60. explore the cruise is not discovered the New World, but to amplify a fashionable outlook.
61. The aim to solitary, tenacious whichever outstanding taste.
62. a person can work distant, relying on who he peers; how good a person, depending on who he pointing; how successful a person, depending on who he accompanied.
63. sigh is a waste of time, tearful is a waste of exertion deeds. < br> 64. I can prefer to give up, but I can not choose to give up!
65. not everyone can live a low-key, low-key root for a tall profile by the time.
66. love is like peeling an onion ,shanghai massage, there is always a membrane of make you cry.
67. ancients said, placed in the alive chamber for others to see; await for antique old, to recognize the photo was taken to see for himself.
69. if necessary happy and do not frown, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
70. When most people are concerned about your flying Gaobu Gao, only a few people who care about you fly exhausted, this is friendship.
71. did not say not for of forgotten, but for the mind.
72. Some say that love is the last generation in this life debt owed to the intelligence but also - and I surely vulgar before life, so life without debt may still.
73. let the hereafter come to elapse in the past.
74. being on the side of puny, lightly satisfied is paradise.
75. Success has a side efficacy is that the past train equally well in the future.
76. The reason why the angels fly because they are the I was very light ... ...
77. assaying as the use of launch, a woman tin test gold, males can use women tested.
78. like a man is quite elated attach; love a person, that is, if it were not for happy, and I want together.
79. unattended is a person's carnival, carnival is a team of people alone.
80. Humor is a man cry, there was a smiling mood.
81. coffee bitter and sweet, how is not mingling, yet prefer whether the sugar; a ache, not apt forget how, but prefer have the spunk to begin another.
82. People, Huode Lei, because release no fewer than the shelf, do not cut open face, untied plot.
83. good treat, only to cater for others, but not necessarily for the well-being.
84. If faith is a variety of injury, elect a lie; if lie is an injury, amuse choose quiet; If silence when an injury, you choose to leave.
85. beautiful so that men stop and wisdom to man to quit.
86. Life is not the most wonderful dream the moment, but insisted the process of the dream.
87. life, spiritual well-being depends on the temperature.
88. If you set for yourself always the objectives have been effected, then the goal that you set intent enough .
89. life can will, life can also disburse consideration to.
90. good Never look behind, because back when the grass has not.
91. a woman's tears are of not use liquid , but you make a matron cry namely you are useless.
92. intolerable to re no longer forbear.
93. slumber shows up morrow also.
94. give my center, will be true, but may be a complete injury; keep a distance to defend themselves, but predestined never alone.
95. The best way to make nightmares come true is to wake up.
96. narrate the truth the greatest behalf is that you do not remember you say someone.
97. Sometimes, not the other side do not attention almost you, but you discern the other side also.
98. nonsense is the relationship of the 1st sentence.
99. slut always is a slut, even if the economic crisis, and you you can not!
100. activity sensibilities? I'll make you cry very rhythmic ...
101. If you see the shadow in front, do not be afraid, that because the sun behind you.
104. and people exposure to the longer, the more I like dogs, dogs are always dogs, sometimes not human!
106. saliva is accustomed to Shuchao Piao's , rather than in terms of cause
107. should not look to see, not to say do not say, should not hear do not hear, do not want to should not think that act what to
108. less pulled in front of me like a follow-abusing, gracefully in the loading coerce POSE!
111. like while you mention you are what you do not like you, what you say you are?
112 . We have only an earth, so you must love the globe; the earth is only one me, so you have to love me!

1. a man with cigarette, with wine, and will have a article; woman money, with beautiful, and will have a tragedy.

4. stupid and not silly, look at you will not play the fool .5. spoke seriously and were silent too hard.

24. When people start saying you are crazy, you're not far away from success ... ... 25. You never see the tears of my eyes, because I will cry when you're not .26. wow the public, can Quchong can also be out of prefer.

6. a woman to discard love with friendship, love, men in commute for friendship with .7. Happiness is learning to obtain, nevertheless it is not our mama tongue .8. the so-called love word is that you said some did not believe it, but hope that others would believe.

17. If I know the truth more than others, it is because I made more blunders than others, .18. not every word can buy The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery, the deepest bruise was the most real sentiments .22. are back too many desire, so cumbersome meteor will fall; are too many lies hidden, and we broke up ahead will it hurt .23. In the face of the facts, our imagination more developed, the more disastrous the consequences.

9. Do not see a loved one, love too much love for you will depreciate .10. to entirely understand a man, better not to do his lover, and be his friend .11. God will not make things laborious for simple-minded baby.

15. the pain is not coming always ask: When the most efficient weapons opposition women.

2. bow to the courage, looked to have emboldened .3. Life is favor a glass of tea, will not undergo a lifetime, but always hard for a meantime.

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