Wednesday, April 27, 2011

clearing guide breast

Modern pollution everywhere , people are very hard ; Fortunately, ecology has a normal Sea vegetables , Is one of the tall content of tryptophan (202 mg / 100 g). tryptophan has sedative hypnotic achieve. in a loud environment , the body of a great consumption of B vitamins , which eat millet can reduce the noise mar, Improve hearing, auditory apparatus damage hindrance .
removing guide milk : Milk is an of the most renowned foods. Recently,beijing massage, human also found that breast is a good guide in the food steer . the one hand, breast is rich in calcium , and calcium Phosphorus can be reduced in proportion to the body lead burden . Second, the protein contained in milk can be combined with the body of lead into soluble compounds that can enhance the excretion of lead .
pig anti- dust : modern therapeutic study found namely pig blood Decomposition of protein along tolerate acid , may produce a antiseptic , loosen the substance . This material into the body with metal molecules from the dust and adverse biochemical responses , these dust out of the body .
garlic opposition nitrosamines : Long-term consumption of pickled , smoked products is one major hazard ingredient because gastrointestinal illness . These edibles have extra volume of nitrate and nitrite , with the mutton in the synthesis of secondary amines nitrosamines and nitrosamines is Lead to the straight occasion of gastric cancer . nitrosamines garlic significantly suppressed the synthesis , accordingly ,In truth green alive nigh us, dine garlic can prevent gastrointestinal cancers .
dark fungus anti Cadmium: Cadmium in modern society is also quite mutual, such for consume batteries The metal cadmium, smoking a package of smokes to increase the body 2 to 4 micrograms of cadmium . and dark fungus with factory gum,toronto asian escort, tin be adsorbed into the body through the digestive tract of cadmium, it eradicated from the body .
meals , and household harmony

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