Friday, April 22, 2011

such for foam

Infant diarrhea in infants and young children the most common gastrointestinal syndrome. Diarrhea, loss of large amounts of water, electrolytes and nutrients in a short time the greatest menace to the children that led to the body dehydration. Water is especially essential to persons, dehydration can seriously break life, for a long time would cause diarrhea, malnutrition in children, resulting in growth retardation, so the children are diarrhea treatment as presently as possible.
is how I introduced medical knead and health attention methods to treat diarrhea, but whether the baby with diarrhea with dehydration symptoms, such as reducing the number of urine, urine color deepened, eyes sunken, do not want to drink water, dry lips, sleepy, not activities, should be immediately sent to hospital for management.
diarrhea in infants, virtually every mother are met, I remember my son was born only 3 days, 8 stools a day, was egg soup-like, but the son in good spirits and normal feeding, stool test results rule out bacterial infection, the doctor said my milk too much fat, indigestion caused by a child, I eat food to some light, so that the child's gastrointestinal tract has a slow process of alteration, will improve the child's diarrhea.
my diet in the afterward few days light as distant as possible, you can see his son's diarrhea did not improve, the doctor prepared to give the baby to take medication, I do not want the child was born a few days to take medicine, so the child's gastrointestinal tract is not even bear it? I Try to gently massage his son hands, feet, massage 3 times a day. The next day the son of 6 stool, stool was no longer the eggs pattern, is a thin paste; the third day of the 4th son of stool, close to normal. The My diet is no longer light to promote nourishment, son stool has been normal.
6 months or less of the little baby, stool frequency 3 to 4 times a day, is yellow or yellow-green, thin fashion was soft, and some sour , the morale of good children, feeding regular heaviness also additional, this situation is normal, not diarrhea.
infant massage to hands, feet must be gentle form, like stroke, like petals. the rank of small hand massage in the palm of your hand inside the hypothenar (little finger beneath the root) on the 1 / 2 area, which is the intestines of the reflex, gently reception the area, each under 30, 3 times a day, 2 hands must be according to, feet reflex districts in the intestines on the soles of the feet beneath the heel over the zone, but also gently reception each 30 times, 3 times a day, according to two feet to be. massage stimulate the hands, feet and intestines reflex areas, meridians to motivate and accelerate the blood propagation of the intestines, help the weak absorption of the intestines to digestion food.
folk and a specialized treatment is breast-fed infants opposition diarrhea caused by, the train is this: The milk squeeze out into the iron scoop, the small launch on roasted, singed side while stirring, until dried milk, partial yellow on the line, can not be bosom baked paste into focus, and then dried and ground into powder of breast In the baby with warm water fasting, 3 times a day, eat a few days the baby's diarrhea can be stopped.
recent years I have base such a situation, many small baby back and along diarrhea, the hospital administration over a kind of methods, that is, not improve, and most just stop breastfeeding, your baby's diarrhea, to improve, so this type of baby Unfortunately, most of them early and stopped breastfeeding, artificial feeding alteration. I observed that this type of motherly diet and more cold, and their pelt is white fur, one doctor told to eat light, and second, numerous of these mothers were from the beginning of pregnancy in the egg white powder. protein powder property slightly cool, long-term will result in maternal blood to eat cold, cold nature of infants and youth children eat milk naturally diarrhea.
meet this location, I do not treat our babies, the mother's diet do some adjustments, such as turning off protein abrasive, rotating off a great many cold ecology of the fruits, vegetables, such as watermelon, melon, kiwi, bananas, sugar cane, bitter gourd, water chestnuts, winter melon, absorb gourd, water spinach, amaranth, lotus, arrowhead, snail, screws, mussel, mullet, green beans, Coix and so aboard, dine some peppery edible properties, such as lamb, meat, prawn, shrimp, fish, onions, leeks, etc.. Featured here a tray, with 1 kg of eel , lean pork, half a catty, green onions 2, a piece of ginger, garlic brain, then put a small value of star anise, cinnamon, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, stewed attach. This dish is not only blood and kidney, merely too eliminate the gastrointestinal renal lukewarm winter, ein a little while a day, the mommy insist aboard eating half of the child's continuing diarrhea will naturally improve. After the mother to dine 2 to 3 periods a week, not merely good as the newborn, and even they themselves would face red, the circumstance of behind anguish will be eased.
nursing mothers to learn to scrutinize their own tongue, as his tongue is always white, your baby is likely to suffer from gastrointestinal ailment places. these mothers must be adjustments on the diet, eat hot food.
diarrhea in infants, in Western medicine is divided into bacterial, viral infections caused by non-bacterial diarrhea and diarrhea caused by viral infection, also known as gastrointestinal disorders; while the Chinese diarrhea in infants and young children will be divided into injury diet diarrhea, cold diarrhea, diarrhea, and deficiency of heat diarrhea. Next I will focus on 4 differ nature of orthodox Chinese medicine methodology, diarrhea, tell you how via diet and other means for treatment, respectively. < br> 1. ache more than food-type diarrhea, diarrhea that occurs in complementary feeding baby or equitable join complementary body, often accompanied by abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, crying before, such as Dan Hua-like stool acid, bad expiration, do not Fresh calculating embolism. baby food when the symptoms of harm appeared, it is needful to reduce the amount and frequency of feeding complementary foods, eat less pork, fish and shrimp to the chief light. You tin take half an apple slice, add water, add a small amount of salt, simmer for 5 to 10 minutes after, the baby water to drink apple; or bathed into the bowl to steam soft apples, remove the skin when consumed, 6 months, infants 3 to 4 tsp every 1 to 2 annuals antique baby time to eat one apple a day 2 or 3 times. diarrhea, do not eat anybody more once the stop, but also be in line with massage. Massage 1 hour after a meal should be after the baby, 1st rubbing the paunch, little baby abdominal muscles, massage campaigns must be agreeable, slow. to the navel as the center press from the inside out 50 laps clockwise massage, then massage the 50 laps counter-clockwise, and then hand flat on the breast, shove down the chest down to the lower stomach, and so repeatedly push the 10 to 20 times. 2 to 3 times journal massage, hand massage described on, the foot of the method can also be done.
2. cold type of diarrhea: this varieties of children due to cold reason diarrhea, stool skinny, such as bubble, sallow, less savour, accompanied along abdominal pain, bowel, or accompanied at fever, nasal congestion, runny proboscis, cold symptoms. This type of diarrhea, the mother of one nurse I am arresting a cold displacement to the baby, the second is diarrhea caused by the baby's own cold, so when the baby and mother should be treated.
nursing mothers is best not to eat cold cold cold medicine, practice has proved, with diet and natural therapy can be effective in treating cold cold. nursing mother's treatment:
(1) leaves Hot water with their feet: in the pharmacy to purchase some of the leaves, take a little to add water in the jug 10 to quarterutes, then leaves the water warm feet, feet to make full use of deeper drum, spume to the body sweating, the cold ventilation unload, and then drink more warm boiled water. by the heavier cold steep times can be more than a day until the body not longer feels cold, muggy nose, flow of water nose on it. Also note that to repose.
(2) brown sugar, ginger drink water: exposure to cold and cough when caustic and a few heads of garlic boiled with water to drink, and if incapable to pay to sweat always, you can add some cooked green onions, dispersing the cold and sweating. a lot of people cold drink after a ginger syrup that always right by the time the drink, and, in truth, early in the cold cold, ginger syrup to drink 3 times a day, the next day to 2 times a day, on the third day and then again before going to slumber, so as to consolidate the curative effect, entirely eliminate the chill.
baby treatment:
(1 ) to give the baby a warm bath, the perspiration, more feed some boiled water.
(2) with 1 to 2 slices of ginger, half a teaspoon of brown sugar to the baby to drink boiled water, if the baby do not want to drink with spicy water, brown sugar, can only drink water, because brown sugar is also the warm nature.
(3) with 3 to 4 garlic boils water for the baby to drink, at a time cooking the garlic, not spicy, but also antidiarrheal achieve.
(4) introduced in many places into dirt with ginger or garlic on the navel, the baby can be deposited in the treatment of cold diarrhea, parents may hope to try.
(5) take the Qing Ai 1 ~ 2, after the fire the baby's navel to the lower abdomen area, and the skin separated by 1-inch distance, smoked back and forth for 10 minutes more than the number of baby diarrhea, clouded 3 times each day. This method is easy and forcible, but parents must pay attention to flick Ai soot on the treatise, can not let the ash fall to the delicate baby skin. best to hold the baby from the kin, and control the baby's hands and feet, so your baby can not meddle with, to discourage flaming your baby.
3. damp-heat Diarrhea: This diarrhea stool water, accompanied by indigestion of food, the grass was green or yellow, a small amount of mucus, yellow urine and less symptoms. for the infant's body heat dissimilar cold, so the common hospital linked to the accustomed water-inflammatory are useful. When once the control of symptoms, we must remove the child's body and then the cold.
(1) can ruddy dates 5, washed and put into the frying pan, fry some portly skin black, and ruddy dates rigid on it, and then Xiao Juzi half leather, can not put more washed into a small pot for 10 minutes, often when the water for the baby to drink.
(2) can cold type of diarrhea use of therapeutic methods and therapeutic methods Ai smoked.
(3) described above and to patronize the treatment of infantile diarrhea massage.
4. absence of the spleen Diarrhea: Diarrhea is the time namely finished when diarrhea or have Jiuxie unhealed, stool, or with thin pieces of pearly milk, fresh later diarrhea, pale and additional symptoms. congenital deficiency related with these baby more, feeble constitutions, or premature allocation, or caesarean segment, or the mother caused by eating also cold.
(1) in the glutinous rice or raw rice on the fry pan over cheap heat in a deep yellow cilia, a little brown a little, and then use this brown rice porridge to aid diarrhea, and promote assimilation, drink boiled baby congee rice soup when you can, and a cloud of good results.
(3) made yam paste for the baby to eat. yam washed, peeled and cut into small pieces placed in the grinder, add some water, kick the yam into a paste, then placed in a small pot boil, boil while stirring the side, immediately after boiling. in the baby feeding on fasting small bowl, once daily, can play a quite good tune up the effectiveness of the spleen and stomach, while also has diarrhea, kidney Bufei role. easy to sore throat, ear pain, not suitable for children to eat yams.
(4) chestnut soup. take 3 to 5 chestnuts, peeled smashed into the pot by adding an appropriate amount of boiled into a paste, add a small amount of white sugar, baby food fasting, 1 or 2 times a day. chestnut paste also has tune up the role of the spleen and stomach and diarrhea.
(5) regular baby drink carrot, apple boiled water, or eat carrots, apples boiled dirt made not only to supplement the vitamins, but also the role of diarrhea.
stuff what causes diarrhea, tolerate will cause the ultimate thinking, intestinal digestive disorders, so this time should be fitting to reduce food intake and feeding frequency, to reduce gastrointestinal pressure, to reduce gastrointestinal oppression is profitable to rehabilitation patients. Meanwhile, the diet should pay consideration to light, eat easily digestible food , eat greasy, cold food, particularly those with long-fiber fruits and vegetables: such as pineapple, watermelon, pears, cabbage, celery, spinach, bamboo shoots, onions, wild rice stem, etc., they have to promote the character of bowel movements, will increase diarrhea, so attempt to eat less.
favor to caution parents that the baby could accessible lead to diarrhea, the body of water and electrolyte loss, if only additional, could easily guide to dehydration impact, and may even loop weak, perilous. Therefore, parents should time to add water to the children, Riga, in the boiled water or rice soup and a small amount of track amounts of salt, sugar, often fed the baby to drink. Remember that one can not drink, drunk and vomiting in children is cozy, so every 10 minutes is generally slow slow to fared 1 to 2 tablespoons, not only can replenish humidity, and does not cause gastrointestinal discomfort.
diarrhea associated with the baby once the symptoms of dehydration, such as reducing the number of urine, urine color deepened, eyes sunken, not compliant to drink water, dry lips, sleepy, not activities, should be immediately sent to hospital for treatment.

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